"It's kind of like a game. Running around and kind of hoping for the best, I guess."
Life is sort of like a train, it keeps going and you can hop off at different stops, go and get a bite to eat, hop back on, make friends, until the railroad tracks just go to an end. Sometimes people don't get back on the train, but I guess that's life.
I've always been facinated with trains.. Does that sound weird? I love the fact of being able to partially control where you're going... You can chose the direction, but not the tunnel or path, you never know what you're going to see, and I guess I like that.
Other than trains, I've always been in love with the color green. Just the color.... The color green, it's a very nature-friendly color and I love that. Being outside is like an escape, not only are trains outside but there's trees, roses, sunflowers,
But it's such a shame I can't go out anymore.