Darkness.... Light.... Heaven.... Hell.... Religion.... Death.... Pain...... Greed.... Selfishness.... Jealously.... All components of a murderer. Whether you mean to kill, to punish, to sanctify theres always that thought in the back of their head, telling them, urging them to take the action while the body acts before they fully process what they've done. This is how I see the world..... There is no black and white.... Nor is their color.... Only a vast land of the living and the dead. No matter how much pain, torture, and loss I've had thrown my way I've always managed to walk forward and never look back...... Slowly losing the feeling of emotions along the way..... Until one day after a tragic accident, and a faithful encounter with the Jeffersonian scientists, an FBI agent and their psychologists.... Will my perspective of the world change or will I finally become an empty hollow shell of a being leaving only a pile of bones and painful memories behind?......... This is how I met theses strange people, and came to realize my true self.... A girl by the name Alena Night......
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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