-What would you do if you only had 59 minutes to love?-
-The tingling sensation spread from my finger tips to him, slowly healing the wounds on his extremely pale and fragile body. His open wounds slowly started to close and appear on my flawless skin, a result of my powers of course. His wounds were almost healed when his emerald eyes fluttered open.
"My angel." He whispered. I gave a half smile holding back the pain I was suffering through. I felt weak, if only I could heal my body straight away.
The next thing I knew I was the person strapped up to machines and monitors. My eyes were too heavy to open, I felt weaker than I did before and I could only hear voices.
"You should have at least had the courtesy to tell her you had a brain tumour, so maybe she wouldn't be the one dying!" My brother’s voice rang through the room.
“I didn’t know she could heal people.” A voice that came so familiar to me, spoke.
I winced, the wounds were causing me so much pain it was unbearable.
"Hey, hey it's going to be ok." My brother said soothingly. Being the protective brother as he always was. "Your body will heal in an hour," he said soothingly, then murmured "hopefully"
A familiar voice spoke, making me forget the pain I was in. I strained my throbbing ears to listen to the voice that was so familiar. "I love you."