Ninth installment of The Family Series Taking place ten years after the previous installment. All the ninjas have love interests: Kai is with Skylor, Jay is with Nya, Cole is with Toxikita, Lloyd is with Chamille, and Zane is with Pixal, who was rebuilt. Everyone, excepting Chamille and Lloyd, have had children. The Green Ninja slowly accepts the idea of having a family of his own. Kai and Skylor Smith: Karen Alexandra(Fire) Tyler Jonathan(Amber) Jay and Nya Walker: Evan Andrew(Lighning) Anais Coralyn (Water) Cole and Kitalyn "Toxikita" Hence: Renee Katherine(Poison) Michael Oliver(Earth) Lloyd and Chamille Garmadon: Lona Zachary(Form) Rebekah Sophie(Energy) Zane and Pixal Julien: Daniela Rose(Ice)