Yuna and Stitch, after a series of events on their humble Ryukyu home on Izayoi Island, are warped off into an alternate city of Kamakura, a Stitch-crazed part of Japan... somewhere. There, the stakes change and they make quick friends with a boy named Kyozuki Yamada and his own timid, yet at times savage Stitch. This friendship takes them far in the city, even against evils they've never imagined. But underneath of their noses, a team called the Astral Jumpers, consisting of cold as ice Yaiko Galaxia and Kyohaku Stitch, a Variated Experiment, oppose the Galactic Federation and when all is said and done, start their oppression with Yuna. But surely there's a method to their madness? Surely there is more to the Astral Jumpers? And what is the story behind the Tri-Rune they carry and the myth of Cosmos Colossi? Unity is the key...
7 parts