WINDCLAN Leader: Leapstar (white she-cat with blue eyes) Deputy: Wheatspots (white tom with golden-brown patches and hazel eyes) Medicine Cat: Freezepelt (a black tom smeared with brown and white with greenish-blue eyes) Warriors: Finchfoot: (brown-gray tom with green eyes) Sweetflower: (calico she-cat with pinkish-amber eyes) APPRENTICE: Heatherpaw Dapplewhisker: (brown-and-white tom with amber eyes) APPRENTICE: Sagepaw Fernwish: (a dark-brown flecked light-brown furred she-cat with the most unusual green eyes) Junipertail: (russet tabby tom with green eyes) Rockjaw: (gray furred tom with blue eyes, known for his strong jaws) Quickpelt: (golden-ginger-and-white she-cat with amber eyes) APPRENTICE: Harepaw Frostheart: (light-gray she-cat flecked with white and has icy-blue eyes) APPRENTICE: Lilypaw Dustcloud: (gray dappled brown tom with amber eyes, oldest warrior, almost fit for an Elder title) Cinderblaze: (dark-gray she-cat flecked with ginger and has blue eyes) Badgerclaw: (black tom with amber eyes and has one broad stripe starting from his nose to his tail-tip) Apprentices: Heatherpaw: (beautiful silver tabby she-cat with heather-purple eyes) Sagepaw: (sandy-pale tom with few white streaks and blue eyes) Harepaw: (been apprenticed for only a half-moon, white tom with a ginger tabby tail and greenish-amber eyes) Lilypaw: (oldest apprentice, brown tabby with a pale sandy-brown underbelly and feet with blue eyes) Queens: Swiftbird (pretty lithe calico with piercing blue eyes, mother to Pinekit; a black-and-white tabby she-kit with green eyes, Swoopkit; a huge white tom with black ears and blue eyes, and Darkkit; a underweight black tabby tom with one green eye and one blue eye) Elders: Sweetgrass: (still-young white she-cat with light-gray patches and leaf-green eyes) Cottonfur: (oldest elder, a cranky old tom with long-fluffy white fur with yellow-green eyes) Grassfoot: (calm tom with very pale light-gray fur and one right black paw with amber eyes)All Rights Reserved