"Red, why am ah doin this?" Jazz asked turning away from the computer. "Ratchet wants to be sure you and Prowl are alright now that Cerebrum's recovery is going well. He just wants you to do the log as a kind of stress relief." Red Alert explained. Jazz rolled his optics behind his visor. "Ah already said ah am aye-okay." Jazz insisted. Red Alert frowned, "Ratchet polished his wrenches this morning anticipating that answer." Jazz stiffened. "Well guess ah got some recording ta do!! Now shoo!" Jazz said waving a servo at the mech after changing his mind. The apprentice nodded satisfied with his response and left as Jazz had asked. The saboteur let out a sigh before pressing record: "So ah guess ah need to get some stuff out about Prowl and Cerebrum. Not much ta say 'bout her though, we still bonding. Guess that means it's mostly 'bout Prowl then. Uh...how do I feel...we'll ah know there are very few surprises with Prowler now ah days. Now that's not ah bad thing, but it made the news about tha western base bombing all tha worse. Ah know a lot of good mechs like Cliff and lost their sparks in there, but Prowl always seemed...un-offline-able. Heh...guess that's why ah trusted him enough to become sparkmates, ah could depend on him. He'd always come back. So when ah heard tha news that he didn't make it out, ah just couldn't believe it. Ma Prowl, offline? Just didn't feel right. Now ah know why, he wasn't offline he was in stasis lock till Cerebrum found him. Thank Primus that little femme found him. Ah can see that Prowl cares for her and she cares about him. Heck it's hard not to see it. Prowl doesn't often show emotion. Well around others anyway. But when he heard the little femme scream that day ah saw a fire go into his optics. A vengeful, raging protectiveness for her. Then again ah felt tha same way when we rushed in and saw that beast Slackjaw attacking her. That piece of slag...ah hope he's rusting real bad in tha pits for what he did."All Rights Reserved