UNEDITED!! "Once upon a time both heaven and hell fought between who will rule man kind,but as soon as this battle came to an end,a man between two realms had an idea...he thinks he could accomplish what god has not yet created or so wont create it He had completed his ingridients....after 7 months of making it to perfection he finally did it, with just the whitest pearl of the heavens and redest ruby of the underworld He then created a beautiful woman...her hair white as pearls and eyes red as rubies,he was happy of his creation and named it Tenshi,his Angel, but it wasn't quite finished,he needs to create a disguise for "it" to be complete or else...he would be punished" Others say that it was banished from the human world never to be seen again.... Others say it went into hidding and still is to this very day.... Others say it was still living up to this day and it is living among us humans.... it still remains a mystery.... but....none fit into the puzzle.... wanna know what happened?... ........well find out yourself.........All Rights Reserved