When we're born, we have a certain encryption permanently incisioned into the back of our necks. One other person in the world has the same tattoo and number as you, and that's the person you can be with, whether it's happily or against your own will. No men are placed with men, no women with women, just traditional man to woman relationships. The tattoos work like bar codes, and when you find your match, then you get 'checked out'. When you're around your match, people say you can get the chills so bad your body shakes. I've never experienced it, and only few people I know have their match. But something I know is true is that when you find your match, the codes send burning sensations through your body every once in a while. You never know who it is, until they notice their tattoo on you. When you make any kind of contact, the real chills kick in, and when you kiss or sexually interact, tiny shocks avert from it. I have yet to find my match, and when I do, he's far from the fairy tale I expected. *All Rights Reserved. This story was an original idea. ©2013 aussie_craic. Thanks for reading, don't be afraid to share, and I love you all.* **Will include mature content. One Direction never existed in this.**All Rights Reserved