If It's What You Want A Harry Styles Fanfiction || h. s.
94 parts Complete Ashley does not care for much of the younger male clientele with whom she comes into contact in her line of work. From personal experience, she has learned many are ego-driven, manipulative, presumptuous asses. She is suspended between the world of unwanted attention and invisibility. Harry Styles discovers the beauty on the night of her birthday while she is inhabiting that sphere of high visibility. He knows he's met her before but can't remember where or when. She makes clear from the beginning that she is uninterested in anything other than friendship. Harry is warned by a former boyfriend to, "steer clear unless he wants to scoop the pieces of his irreparably, shattered heart up and shove them back into a dark empty chest cavity." When Harry discovers her identity, he becomes determined to win her over no matter the costs.