The girl named Ai, -a near-to-extinction phoenix,- being known as rarest of diamonds by some, while others, a danger and a threat. Her parents were burnt to death in front of her. The villagers thought that they should extinct them, so that it would stop the Phoenix's species to increase and decrease the likeliness of their world getting taken over. They were so wrong. The Phoenix meant no harm at all. The stories of them were twisted and that made men get terrified. After she was found out to be the last phoenix, people wanted her. As their own. Ai was sold to merchants, sellers and finally, the whole nightmare stopped. Mr. Eloise, finally got a hold of his grandfather's dream, the Phoenix. Ai gets introduced to her new life, with her master Mr. Eloise and all his maids and servants. However, she learns much more. Love. Just like her name states, Ai is love in Chinese and that would be what she would experience.