This poem was written after our daughter's disability deteriorated when she was fourteen, after being diagnosed with fibromyalgia when she was ten. As things got worse, she also was diagnosed with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome and Chrnoic fatigue syndrome, leading to hospital stays and having to use crutches and a wheelchair for daily living. So, you would think that her 'so-called' friends would have rallied round and been there for her, right? WRONG! They go out without a thought of inviting her, leave her on her own at school and talk about their exciting weekends, without a care for her feelings. This poem was inspired by these unfeeling children that call themselves teens -I only hope if they are ever ill themselves, that they get treated better than they have treated our daughter. Or maybe not, so they feel what it's like! Thankyou for reading-please comment/vote/fan if you enjoy.
why does falling in love really hurt?? like, i just love! why does it make me so hurt. and then, i realized...
love arrives like a storm
tearing down walls
i didn't know were there
exposing the raw
nerve endings
of my heart
it hurts
because feeling
is terrifying
but the ache
is also the proof
that i am alive