His life flashed before his eyes. His heart bled out in thick red waterfalls, pooling around his broken soul. His feet stopped moving upon hearing a whispering snap. His vision tainted red, he ran faster than a bullet, barely touching the ground. A heart wrenching scream toumbled from his lips as he drew close to his destination. Fear evedent in every pair of eyes around him as he brought out the glow of bronze. What happened next was a blur. He moved to fast for anyone to see until he stopped, covered in golden streams. Then people saw the damage that had been done and the pain inflicted. Then people saw only the remnant of a hero, after the storm. Six years of interupted education and he didn't bother for a seventh. No he took the time to 'vacation' and look for precious items containing his enemy. He saw flashes of bright, beautiful, colors, and dark red stain of death. He knows pain and he knows suffering. Now he's won the war yet lost an inner battle over those he cared about that were gone. Now he took the time to start his seventh year, only after the storm.All Rights Reserved