This story is about the story of Jimmy, Axel and Ryan. Jimmy is a 16 year old rebel and likes rock and roll music and punk rock. He is the school tuff guy. He wears AC/DC t-shirts and Led Zeppelin shirts too. He also wears black skinny jeans that are for girls. He doesn't like his sister being bullied and stands up for her. He doesn't have a girlfriend but he has a large group of friends. Axel is a 13 year old girl who is bullied in school and doesn't like people and is a bit afraid of them. She has Social Anxiety and Panic Disorder. She has dark brown hair and dark green eyes. She usually wears her Gunz'n'Roses t-shirt and navy skinny jeans. She loves her brothers a lot but not when they call her "squirt" and "little one." Ryan is hangs around with his best friend, Oisín. He has a girlfriend and is a generally nice guy. Jimmy is his twin. So he is also 16. He likes art and can play a bit of guitar and bass. He is taught by his sister who can play 10 instruments and is brilliant at art. He loves his girlfriend dearly and calls her "cutie pie" and "sweetheart" most of the time. What will happen when their parents die and they are adopted by a famous face? Axel's hero. Her idol. Will they be happy? Will the famous face like them? What will happen to Ryan's girlfriend? Will Axel be able to make her talents known? Read and find out! Thank you. Axel Arrow HeartAll Rights Reserved