This is the Story of Casi Sohma a 17 year old person that only Akito knows about. She has a fight with Akito which causes her to have her left wrist sprained. Then she goes and meets Tohru and the bunch. Join Casi as she tries to meet some of her family. And find out truly who Casi Soma is and why she is different from the rest, also learn the Story of the Unicorn of the Zodiac a lost story that only Casi knows, because she is truly the unicorn of the Vodiac. Comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! P.s. If you haven't watched the end of the posted Fruits Basket episodes this story may spoil it for you.Written by Fireryhorse I rated my story PG 13 but as long as your 13 its fine cause theres no cusing or anything but parts of it aren't PG its a mix between the two. Here are some Japanese words i may use in my story: Gomini sai- Im sorry Arigato gosimas - Thank you very much Kowaii- cute Kowai- scary Baka necko- idiot cat baka- idoit Necko- cat kazoo- requip dejibudesu- Are you okay? Itsumo- Forever mina- everyone oneechan- older sister oke- okay or im okay dejobuda- it will be okayTous Droits Réservés