Belle was kicked out by Rumpelstiltskin after she given birth to his child. For the little baby girl reminded him of the son he lost. Now alone with a child born out of wedlock. Belle couldn't go back to her father's kingdom. She couldn't get a job for nobody wanted to hire her for the fact she was with the dark one and she given birth to his child. People thought she was a slut, whore and other not so nice things. She also couldn't find a place to stay in other then a really cheep inn that she paid a month for her and her daughter to stay in. With the money Rumple had given her so she could get onto her feet. Belle had started stealing from people's pockets why looking for jobs. So she could cloth, feed and care for her daughter. She always put herself last. One day she had a run in with a.....(Read to find out)All Rights Reserved
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