Things get shaken up at Konohagakure High with the arrival of two particular students.
For Haruno Sakura, it means returning back to her childhood home and facing her past demons. Back to the family and friends who she left behind, as well as the antagonistic Ami - who will never let Sakura forget about the incident that happened all those years ago.
On the other hand, for Uchiha Sasuke - it means spending a year without the celebrity lifestyle and fulfilling his father's last wish. However, what most people don't know is that it is also a last opportunity for Sasuke to experience the norms of a teenager life - before forced to choosing a life of fame or stepping up as the rightful heir to his family business.
For these two aloof and cynic teenagers, an unlikely friendship occurs; as they fend off against the press, rabid fans, Orochimaru and the student body that still hasn't forgotten nor forgiven Sakura. It was only inevitable that, in time - they both fell in love. However, there is no easy path for these two to truly be together.
DISCLAIMER: Any real life people, books or movies mentioned in this story are not mine. Neither is the Naruto (series) or its characters belong to me. Though this story, along with its character development, plot and storyline are all rightfully mine - just a use of my imagination. Cover design by me, image credit to minty.
"I made the decision to cheat on my wife because I liked the way you made me feel vulnerable and comfortable enough to open up to you the night before it happened. I ain't never did shit like that before and that's what made it easy for me to choose to risk everything I got for you."
"That shit probably not a big deal to you but a nigga like me ain't never opened up to nobody but my best friend-and still..that's rare. I hate even talking about her with you but I don't even feel comfortable talking to Ariana about my feelings 'cause I know she gon' judge me. You don't make me feel like that."