-Inspirat din "The Mortal Instruments"-
"-Acum un secol, New York era un oraş umbrit de pericole, la fiecare pas exista câte o ameninţare. Nu era vorba despre lucrurile obişnuite pe care le auzim zi de zi la ştiri şi care instalează panica în fiecare dintre noi, era ceva foarte rău. Atât de rău încât putea aduce apocalipsa lumii. Ei erau Demonii. Creaturi supranaturale ce făceau parte dintr-o lume invizibilă pentru oamenii de rând. Aceştia se ghidau după un singur instinct: să creeze haos. Însă desigur, ca de fiecare dată trebuie să existe şi personaje pozitive, eroii poveştii: Vânătorii de Umbre, jumătate îngeri. Ei erau cei care protejau lumea, împiedicând Demonii spre victorie. Toate legendele au o sămânţă de adevăr. Vrăjitoarele, zânele, vampirii, vârcolacii, demonii. Ei existau înt-adevăr în acele vremuri. Şi încă există. Sasha, un război se apropie, iar destinul tău este mult mai măreţ decât crezi. Vei fi un Vânător al Umbrelor. Soarta lumii va depinde de tine."
One story, multiple ways to enjoy it! Read the bestselling published book right here as Wattpad Original or experience the story as a Webcomic on WEBTOON. Dive into the world of love and magic, any way you like to read.
Sometimes love is the strongest magic of all
Nineteen-year-old Rhia Greenbrook has lived in the sleepy town of Oakriver in a house with three generations of witches her entire life. Rhia draws her magic from the earth and likes to spend her time amongst plants and nature. Her practice is gentle, sacred, and-per her family's tradition-secret.
New-to-town witch Valerie Morgan is looking for answers about her mother's disappearance from Oakriver seventeen years ago. Without her mother's guidance, Valerie has cultivated her fire magic on her own and she makes no effort to keep her powers hidden. Although Rhia is immediately annoyed by Valerie's blatant use of magic, she can't deny the instant magnetism between them.
But amidst their magical connection, a dark presence looms over Oakriver. Unsettling visions from Rhia's grandmother and dangerous sleepwalking episodes throw into question Valerie's past and what role her presence plays in the strange happenings. And as Valerie gets tangled up further into the darkness, it's up to Rhia to tap into the full potential of her power in order to save the town she loves and the girl she's fallen for.