The Stories In My Heart is a collection of short stories written by yours truly. This book has various genres: Romance, fantasy, non-fiction, mystery and erotic, that the author humbly shares with everyone.
My dream is to become as efficient and as flexible as I can be for my readers whilst tackling as many different genres as my heart and mind could.
Nobody is perfect, as such, yours truly would only dream to give birth to my ideas and fantasies. I'm just a person who's trying to convey even the tiniest and simplest desire that my loving heart and curious mind could muster through writing.
Therefore, in my journey through this passionate endeavor, your honest and genuine thoughts will be greatly appreciated.
There is no such thing as bad criticism if only to help me grow smarter and write better.
So, enjoy reading and I would love to hear from you by leaving comments. And don't forget to vote, too if you feel that I'm deserving! That's the best way for you, my friends, to show me how much I lack and how much more I need to grow. Voting for yours truly isn't and will never be mandatory. Compliance to this humble request is for you to decide and for me to accept.
This book is also open for REQUESTS. If you want me to write stories about some specific topics or from your very own life or love stories, we can discuss that further with private messages. You can count on me to deliver every bits with love and passion from the bottom of my heart.
This, our book, is The Stories in My Heart.
The Stories In My Heart
Copyrighted © 2016
By Eiramana325
All RightsSeluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang