Why did we live? What is our purpose? Why do we exist? Maybe God was bored so he created man? Well, one of the given answers would be because we need to facilitate His creations. To look out and care for His gifts. But what if life isn't for that? What if life isn't for finding it's true purpose? What if it's about giving purpose to other than ourselves? Confusing? Then to enlighten you, let me tell you a story... Of a tale long ago... that existed even before man was made. Let's start it with... Once. Upon. A. Time. -------•-------•-------•-------•-------•------•----- This is a work of my imaginative brain and was actually an obligatory story for a subject in school. Still, I put effort in it even if it's quite simple. You can read it to children but please do not own it cause I really put my love in it.All Rights Reserved