Grace is bullied at school by the popular kids and at home by her step-dad .her psychologist told her to speak to someone but she could never bring herself to speak out. She is a computer genius so she created a instant messaging app and there she wrote how she felt. This is a diary of a sad depressed young girl who is dealing with abuse all alone. Calls of help go unheard , muffled by ignorance, nonchalant ,fear of stigmatization , racism and oppression. ----------------------------------------------------------- "It is wrong and inhumane to make someone feel and experience something that you wouldn't like to feel and go through" "Mmh I don't know! You might be right." " I am fighting against GBV (Gender base violence ) , Minors abuse and sexual abuse and harassment " "That is a lot causes you are fighting for alone" "I will win if I have someone supporting my cause. An ant cannot kill an elephant but a anthill full of ants can."