Did you know that the thoughts that you create in your head form an entire different universe? Well guess what, they do. Every person in the world has their own universe that they have created at a certain point in their lives, the circumstances are different for everyone. The universes that each individual creates is a reflection of their deepest desire, fear and swirling emotions, in other words themselves. Of course this phenomenon only lasts at the age of childhood and for some people like authors, artists, movie makers and creative people it lasts for a life time. The mind of a person is the most fascinating aspect of a human being, it's what makes them so special and keeps civilisation evolving constantly. The human conscience is more complicated than the most twisted mazes in existence, every individual in the entire world has something priceless to offer even the so called 'simple minded' and 'idiotic' people have minds that are weaved like a spider's web. But minds of humans aren't the only thing that form dimensions, the books you read and movies you watch are real, they exist in a mirror world as themselves but they are bound to a story. We have all wondered what happens after the story is over, well they continue living their lives detached from the authors storyline. A lot of people dream about being part of another world, I'm sure everyone's heard this line before somewhere "why can't I have powers like that guy from that movie, life would be so much easier," or something similar to that. But that is the beginning of it all, we live in the A1 sector of the Dreamscape, the highest order because we are where it all started, we are the origin.