I wrote this story a year ago at school, it was a project named "Scary Story", heh obv...
This is a LOT, A LOT of GORE, so if you cannot read GORE, PLEASE DON'T READ THIS STORY.
I'm not kidding, a lot. This could be interpreted in different ways, I now realise it could be seen as attempt to rape in the beginning but it's not, it's NOT.
I've been debating whether or not to publish it, but since I wrote this at school I thought it might be appreciated, if you can accept gore....
Ok so when that's over... summary:
((I tried to make this the most gore-ish story EVER, just to impress on my teacher.))
Let's just say that this story is about two young women getting killed, Maul killing a little and getting claimed as apprentice, I'll post another story of how Maul learnt Juyo LOL.
Sooo... basically no plot, just GORE, GORE and even MORE GORE. Some thing I don't even mention in the story is that they're both force sensitive, that's why they're captured. But they discovered their sensitivity too late to join the Jedi so the Sith wanted to know if they could become weapons.
Still doubting if I should post but I think this is equally as gross as p------- out n---.......
And I know there are lots of wrongs... heh xD
The category technically gives me the right to post 😂😂