Onyx has set out to get the other mysticals ready for their next generations. While Eterio and Angello has agreed they need to make a safe haven to let the next generations to learn all about themselves. However, Samuel is only doing it because he was out voted by the other gods. Soon the next generations will discover more than they thought would ever happen in their boring normal lives. Onyx- goddess of vamps Eterio- god of good angels Angello- goddess of werewolves Samuel- god of fallen angels Kyran- vampling (f) Draven- vampling (m) Cassielle- good angel (f) Gabriel- good angel (m) Danica- werewolf (f) Darrian- werewolf (m) Christina- fallen angel (f) Abaddon- fallen angel (m) Vampling- young vamp Emprint- bonding between two people (same /different species)