My heart was beating so hard that at different moments it felt like it would explode right in side my chest. My head felt like an old, rusted knife was digging into my brain. Like someone was trying to rip ever memory and ever little part that made me human, and what made me... me. My hands clutched my head and I screamed to the top of my lungs just trying to somehow relive the pain that was within me. I screamed again, this time loader and harder than I thought I could go. The inside of my throat went raw, making ever shaky breath a struggle. I opened my eyes to come face to face with cold, hard metal. I was panicking. My breath quickened making my eyes water from the pain. I whipped away the tears that were threating to fall from my eyes. I felt that if I cried it would show them I'm weak, and I wouldn't give them that satisfaction, or pleasure. I opened my eye once again hoping this was all just a wasn't. My breathes became shaker with each passing moment. I felt like I was going to pass out, and I knew what would happen if I closed my eyes and just let the darkness overcome my body. "No! I wont let you take my memories!" I screamed again making the pain in my throat worse. "I wont let you take him away from me! You think just because you put me in this bloody box and make me live In the maze that ill let you walk all over me? Your wrong. All of you! For as long as I live, ill remember! And ill get them all out of here. Alive. Mark my words you bloody Creators, I'm coming for you!"All Rights Reserved