Aiesha Rein Montefilla is an idol you would definitely looked up to. She's beautiful, silent, polite, kind, lovely, hot and all. You know, like an almost perfect creation. All of the people who knew her adored and respected her. Perks of being 'the princess' of their country. Yeah. Princess in the 21st century. Awesome, right? But not that awesome thou. She's not actually a public princess yet. She's not properly introduced to their country yet. But that's not what you think it is. She's not the person who you think she is.
But, anyways, that's not the thing here. Who is Aiesha in the near future? She just wanted freedom, but her parents and the world "never" allowed her. What will she do?
Genre: Action, Romance, Teen Fiction, Mystery
SOBRE NÓS; Talvez, se a vida não tivessem os separados antes, eles estariam juntos hoje em dia. Mas não foi bem assim.
Gustavo e Yara, tiveram um namoro de adolescência mesmo, mas, ela sumiu, sem dar explicações nem pra ele e nem para os amigos ao redor.
Se ela tivesse chance de explicar o amor que sente sobre ele, 𝐬𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨́𝐬... Mas o medo é maior.
Venha acompanhar essa jornada! ✨