once upon a time there was a princess who wanted 2 b a queen has grandparents was not sure if she could handle It so she was saw that nobody believed in her. she had a pet named nelli so she had water,fire, air, sand power so she was an airbender 're only remaining bender in d world and then dat wanted 2 kill her so she went back ho me Nd then she told her servant who she was having crush on, so that ran out of d house nd they may a girl who was soooo pretty nd then she used her air bender 2 push them away with her talking rabbit then she nd the girl she was namely sarell nd d boys name was shego and the girls name was Elena she nd d boy were going out so d other girl was jelous so they didn't know d girl was a bad girl who wanted to kill them she was a fire bender dat want her 2 kill Elena d last water bender so dey noticed then dat started a fight she used all her bender skills to fight den her nd d boy bought with there powers so dat want back 2 d palace nd d pple fought dAll Rights Reserved
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