The moment I wake up to the moment I go to sleep it's all the same
how can each day be a replica of the other?
Until I met you,
they way you got angry brought excitement into my lonely world,
the way you smiled brought pride and achievement to my heart,
and each word you said made me feel special.
But when I saw you getting further away from me I felt lonely once again.
Your words became dull, your smile only became smirks,
and your anger scared me so very bad.
But, I still loved you.
Until you cheated on me,
the one that was always committed?
How can a person that has enough money to buy 10 mansions and still have more money,
not have one thing,
How come I can have everything in the world but one single simple thing,
Oh how I despise the word but, why can't I have the thing that everyone needs and has,
it's like that word hates me so much.
But now I'm back to my boring old life,
without you.