After the death of his mother, Rhys embarks on a week-long journey with his new friend Kai, an Indian off the reservation he lives near. A sudden storm causes them to get separated, leaving Rhys defenseless against the wilderness in the middle of a storm that doesn't seem to be letting up.
But he's not completely alone.
"What? Kai, is that you?" Rhys called out, his voice quivering. He doubted he was heard, the sound of the rain drowning out his timid voice effortlessly.
Again, that horrible, distorted voice rang out from within the darkness, shaking the teen to his core. It screamed for help, sounding so distant yet so incredibly close. Then, for a moment, Rhys felt as if the entire world fell silent, even the rain haf stopped it's pitter-patter. Then the most horrifying, bone-shattering roar sounded from above him, and he froze. Slowly, his head moved, barely inching up until his eyes locked on to two sharp, inhumanly glowing irises staring down at him hungrily.
Oh, shit.