13 parts Complete -{My intrigue sparked, I lift his t-shirt up with one hand. Revealed to me is a well toned six pack with a little hint of hair leading downwards.
"What are you doing?" Mason hisses at me, his voice lowered.
"Just looking" I whisper innocently}-
She's been living alone. She's been running from the zombies that rule the world. And now she's been captured by the people of Lakeland, and they seem determined not to let her go. General Mason Woods appears to have taken more than a liking to her. She refuses to give her name, instead using a name with so much history it physically hurts- Hailey. Under her pseudonym of Hailey, she manages to find a temporary safe place from the cruel world outside, but she has a mission and nothing in this world, living or walking dead, will stop her from completing it.