My name is Chloe Lee Meade and I myself face depression, I have self harmed to try an erase my pain so in this book I will tell you the problems I've had but also how to solve them.
I won't say I'm an expert but I've had a lot of pain in my life it started at a young age and because I never dealt with it it's gotten worse over the years.
I don't mind if you text me don't be afraid to reach out for help cause I will always be happy to help and I haven't faced everything but I know a lot and that's why I've decided to put my other book on hold cause I was facing so much and than decided that I didn't want other people to feel alone I wanted them to know that there's other people out there that have faced depression and still are.
If you want to comment a problem for me to publish in my book I will do with the permission from you and I will give you the credit.
Just please never think you're alone cause you're not.