Lovin' this. If you love teenager posts, 9GAG, and 8Crap. You've got the right book. Muffins are just ugly cupcakes. Its funny read it! Its full of : Fun Facts, Funny Facts, Jokes, Funny texts and... thats probably it. P.S. Roses are red My name's Alice This poem makes no sense Microwave! If you think that was cool, Vote if you were born naked GET READY TO LOL. not really 'LOL' but kind of like a giggle, you know those low giggles that are sometimes loud but you're obviously gonna grinn in a way people are gonna ask you "What you looking at!" and "What's that?" which are practically the same, or just the same cause when someone asks whats that and what you looking at... i mean its different in some situations but in this scenario its kinda like the same thing. What I'm trying to say is you're gonna love this book, and I talk so much cause I love Family Guy.