"Harold, you're not interested in the peasant boy, are you? My dear that would just be awful, and I'd have to disown you, one for being interested in the male gender, and two for him being a peasant." She laughed. She laughed hard, her hand covering her mouth from her obnoxious laugh. Her dark red dress matching the wine that Harry poured for her in her jeweled gold cup, with gold designs imprinted on it. Ruby's redder then her dress bejeweled on the cup, her blonde hair in an elegant bun, as she tucked the sides of it behind her ear. "If you did that, you'd be doing one of the same things your father did with your mother. He slept with a peasant." She said in pure disgust. "Now, I hope you never, ever do that." She said simply grabbing the cup from Harry's hands. The red wine that he was pouring spilling on the floor more then he noticed before.