Delilah Cattenbury was not one to let little fears rule over her life and affect her choices. So what if there was supposed be a major sandstorm one normal Thursday? Was she going to stay home? No. Would she still go to work? Of course; what was the worst a sand storm going to do? Little did she know, making the seemingly ordinary decision to go to work that Thursday was a terrible one. The storm hit when she was on the beach. It was not one of Delilah's most cherished memories, sprinting away from the evil beginning of the disaster as in enveloped around her, in a bikini, sprinting back to safe ground. Then again what was safe? Did being safe even matter when you were trapped in an irritatingly freezing agency with a few co-workers, a low food supply and a band of misfits? Why did One Direction have to have their bloody photo shoot that day. What had Delilah gotten in to?All Rights Reserved