In the late night hours of June 10, 2016, a beloved and amazing musical talent with a voice like no other was senselessly gunned down and killed after her concert - just as she was starting to rise to fame - as she reached out to hug the man that would moments later take her life. She was one of the best, kindest, brightest people I have ever seen.
Grimmie was a YouTube phenomenon, a rising tv and movie star, and a musical wonder with a powerful and relentless rockstar voice with limitless potential. She was a major part of my life, and I grew up watching her videos, enjoying her music - and she inspired me heavily in life, she was one of my biggest idols - she even inspired me to try to get my own voice out there.
Even 6 or 7 months after Christina Grimmie's passing, I still had a very hard time emotionally coping with her death sometimes, and I know I'm not alone. It is so hard to accept the reality - to let go of such a beautiful, kind and talented soul that has given such inspiration, guidance and happiness in so many of our lives. The pain, the sadness - the hole in our hearts that can never be refilled or replaced by anything, is tremendous. Christina was like a sister to all of us, even though most of us had never even met her, because of how powerful and inspiring she was in our lives. Now 8 years later I still weep to this video. She could've been the next Celine Dion or bigger. I realy believe that.
RIP angel
We love and miss you FOREVER \|/