This story status In the summer of 1958, A American teenage girl, wandering the streets of Liverpool, England. Who happens to find herself a summer full of mischievous long nights, a new kind of music, and coming home when the sun comes up. This could only be caused by the rag - tag group of boys; The Quarrymen. British teens who started their own rock n roll group. Along the way Alyssa makes new friends and a boyfriend; George Harrison. The problem is Alyssa is only staying in Liverpool for the summer, then she heads back to America for her studies and her suburban life. George and Alyssa go through a long journey of communication by letters for two years. Until one day, Alyssa gets a letter from George, in the letter it has a train ticket tapped on the paper. A new Journey awaits the two as they go to Hamburg, Germany for a battle of the bands type. Along with George and his mates, along the way Alyssa meets some new gals. A story about two teenagers in love, that show how hard it is to stay together through distance. Join Alyssa as she talks about her life with George Harrison. - Disclaimer: I do not own The Beatles nor their names. All credit goes to Apple Corps & anything that has already had/have copyright. Make sure to follow @fourcoolchicks™ on Instagram! 💗💝All Rights Reserved
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