An average life, average stick straight dishwater blonde hair, average dull worn blue eyes, average height (5’4 to be exact), and average weight. Average, average, average and that’s all I was. I was a huge fan of One Direction (and if you haven’t also guessed that I, too, was an average teen conformist). Well at least until I met them. How? Supposedly there was this dance audition. It was very unofficial. I assumed they wanted it a secret, and I was feeling selfish at the time. Selfish enough to run away from home, in fear my mom would boast and tell others of this audition, which I did not want. But don’t worry, I sent my dad a letter with the cliché not to worry, I’m in good hands, and I’ll contact you soon and incase that didn’t work I used the I’m over 18 and in charge of myself. So here’s how I spun and twirled and danced my way into their hearts. Or not.