After he turned 5,the village was attacked by a mega salamence. This salamence clawed at monozus' eye and that's why he has his eye scar. That scar remains red to this day. He ran when all the others in the village fell. Monozu was tossed in a steel cell. He was there for 2 days, fed very little. 2 days later, some scientists took him to a table and gave him a strong dose of anesthesia. Then they injected 2 different syringes in his arm. One that affects his scar and causes him to go berserk in a hydreigon pokehuman form. The other one was some unknown substance that gives him more strength than others of his species. After these injections, he was tossed back in his cell. For the next 5 years he was tortured. Used as a meat bag for pokemon that need to train or just a source to rage at. 5 years after he was taken a boy that calls himself N. He broke in with his reshiram. The reshiram kept the grunts and scientists away from N. N found monozu and freed him. They both left on his reshiram. When they were far enough N told reshiram to roost. They talked back and forth and N became monozus' first best friend. Monozu still remembers him now. N then tells monozu he must keep traveling alone. Monozu gave N a happy farewell and never forgot. After he turned 13 he lived off the grid, moving place to place. He couldn't handle staying once the place he visited knew about the scar and his curse. He has a bounty on him in some areas all because of his scar. He never cut his hair either so he's been 75% blind. The eye with the scar is dead so it's blind. The hair covers the other eye. Some people bully him to trigger the scar, other times it's random. He also never learned the delibirds and the combees. So if he dates he only knows up to kissing til someone tells him. Not many want to help him at all. He's been scarred by the past. He carrys a locket with a picture of his parents inside as wellAll Rights Reserved