15 parti Completa "In the dream, we were in the middle of the ocean during the earlier parts of a sunset. The water had wavelets skipping it's surface, reflecting the new pinkness of the sky. She was about six feet away, treading water like I was. 'C'mon, let's go back' She said, and she began to swim towards a floating, wooden hotel. I began to panic when I had lost sight of her, but noticed a tug at my wrist where a rope tied her and I together. I began to swim for the hotel, too, when dead bodies started to float to the surface. I stopped, in a circle of them, feet away from the hotel deck. She had already reached it, and was cursing at a jellyfish attached to her leg. Her eyes were the size of saucers when she dove back in. I found myself paralyzed, but she pulled me onto the deck just in time for the 'knifetopus' to miss me. Then I saw the jellyfish had killed her, she lay there still. The last thing I did was lay down beside her and die, also. Then, I woke up."
~Quoted directly from the story.