"Someone like you should never have saved him." • • • She looked just like him. The new member of Noah's Ark Circus looked just like Ciel Phantomhive. She could be his sister, with the same black hair and deep, blue eyes. Sapphire. That was her name. Well, it was the name she bore at the Circus. Her real name was much more interesting, and she kept it secret. She had her own reasons for joining the performance. Sebastian thinks he understands humans perfectly. They lie. They steal. They compete for little reward at great costs. So, he knows exactly how to trick them. William T. Spears said it best. He'd seduce his prey with sweet words, lure them in with lies, and then strike and get what he wanted. It worked before, with Beast, with scores of humans over thousands of years. But it didn't work with Sapphire. Why? Why did she hate him so much already? What did she mean when she yelled at him before he even spoke? Why would she claim that she hated everything about him? And worse, why did he care? What the HELL was going on? ||Sebastian Michaelis x Original Character|| Disclaimer(s): 1. This work WILL have sexual elements to it. See the note at the start of the table of contents for more information. 2. The art on the cover is not mine. If you know who's it is, please tell me! [[I hope you enjoy this story and the complimentary one about Claude, called "I'll Show You Everything." They were originally part of one request and I'm trying to work on them together! \(^ω^)/]]All Rights Reserved