Layla a girl stuck in a perfect society with no type of feeling everyone had no purpose it was no pain...or love everyone had everything they needed no one ever complained because everything was given to them. Layla had no friends she felt like she was the only normal person while everyone went around and walked around as. If they were lost ...her life felt like a beautiful art master piece that never had any improvements. It stayed the same nobody tried to make a difference and be a leader the elders wouldn't let it happen anyway Layla had met a boy with sparkle in his eye by the name of .Collin he was very different a huge problem and a charmer he was 15 and Layla was 14 elders and everyone else had enough of him and want to release him which really meant kill. Him and the only one he had was Layla and she needed him and the both left on a journey to find a home where they will be accepted...-perfect flawsAll Rights Reserved