Draco killed Dumbledore; Severus is therefore still a spy and in the Order's favour. Harry, Hermione and Ron were taken by snatchers, but upon their escape, Hermione was mistakenly left behind in the heat of the moment. Harry in Ron have gone to the Order to ask for help with rescuing Hermione: they are planning a rescue-mission with Severus' aid, as he has inside information.
Leta Watkins is a Death Eater in her late twenties. Her latest task is to convert Hermione Granger in order to later be able to use her as a spy in the Order's camp, as an aid to kill Harry, the Light's symbol of hope, so the Dark Lord will have truly won. Leta is a born manipulator, and has had similar tasks in the past, all of which she successfully completed. However, this time may turn out to be different.