Kara is a girl from planet Earth, 70 years after a global nuclear war which destroyed the world, leaving humans to live inside walls where they would be safe from the outer world. After her sister starts dissappearing continuously, Kara tries to solve the mystery outside the walls, where she is sucked into a portex to another world.
Alex is a weapon of planet Ether, a pawn to help control the rebelling groups that have been attacking. Tired and sick of the goverement, he escapes, meeting with some new dangers and realities from the outside world. There he meets a strange girl in need of help, sure that she could be a spy from the goverment.
Carter is an orphan soldier with unique abilities beyond this world. He woud do anything for the tyrant General, Ackerman, including backstabbing his old childhood friend, Alex. He goes for the hunt of his friend, but finds out some truths from the goverement he doesn't approve.
Three persons, one destiny. How will it be?
Elliot's partner was his whole world, but after Allan's death, his ghost haunts Elliot's dreams. Everyone tells Elliot to move on, but he isn't sure he can.
It's been a year since the love of Elliot's life, Allan, passed away. Everyone thinks he should have recovered after that much time, but Allan still haunts Elliot every night. He struggles to maintain relationships with his family, and despite a coworkers interest he can't summon up the courage to date. Elliot is living for the past, because to live for the present means he'll have to live with a hole in his heart. But the question Elliot has to face chases him through his monotonous days: is mourning Allan with everything he has truly living?
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