Zayne Sanchez isn't the average "lady's man", he classifies himself as the most honest of them all: a DAWG. He keeps his view on women and his way of life real as he openly confesses and shares his thoughts with whoever dares to become apart of his domain - his mind. He uses his sex appeal and naturally good looks to make women swoon. However, his life seems to come to an abrupt halt when Promise Taylor, a previous one nightstand, reenters his world. She brings along with her something special that grabs his attention. Love perhaps? Take a glimpse into the mindset of a womanizer, and see if love will ever have it's way with him... Wom•an•iz•er;(woo m-uh-nahy-zer) noun. A philanderer. To participate in the act of sex or flirting with a woman one cannot or will not marry. Mistaken for a man who loves.