This is a story of a normal teenage girl named Ariana Grande...haha...lewll...just kidding... her name is Ella Milington.. she was just walking down the street when she bumped into one blonde lad and stuff happens and blah blah yadda yadda... stuff blah..Boom Pow! yeh...just read the story or whatsoever... :3 ok... please...I don't want the Niall Horan reading this... :3 soo..don't tell him about this...hahaha...lewl..jk.. BOOM POW BLAH! Directioners only...? (well if you want to read this..then just read...-_-) annnddddd..... BOOMM POW POW!!! I'm getting married to Nialllll!!! NO hate No judge...i was just kidding... :3 k just read the storehh... :3 <3 :) :D (but I do want to marry Niall tho... :3)