High school is never what it seems like. Disney, Nickelodeon, and teen movies all hype high school up to make it look like it's going to be the greatest four years of your life. They make it seem as though when you walk through those doors for the very first time, you become part of a world where everyone likes each other and there are no worries at all, but that's just not true. Cassie wishes she could be someone else; she wishes she could be anybody else. She cares far too much about what people think of her, and it has made her into the superficial brat that she promised herself she would never turn into. When Connor comes into the picture, he finally knocks Cassie on her ass and teaches her to stop caring about the opinions of others and to believe in herself. _________________________________________________________________________ "Maybe I could never get past this chapter of my life because I was far too busy stuck in all the pages." ____ Story edited by the great @LifeGoesOnHold