Who am I? I am no one. I don't feel like anyone anymore. I feel nothing and want nothing. I have no motivation to move forward in life. All I do is work hard to try and succeed in life. Succeed at my job, at school and in relationships. Everything I work so hard to build collapses at the same time. I used to believe that the universe was throwing all of these obstacles at me to see if I would break. And it does break me at times. Somehow in the past I've always made it through. But I wonder is all of this worth it in the end. All this feeling that I'm not good enough. I'm not good enough for someone good to care for me like I care for them. That I am not good enough to do well in school and achieve my dream of becoming a lawyer. That I'm not good enough to do anything. Sometimes life tricks me into thinking that I am doing well for a while then it all goes away at once. Not one at a time. All at once. Relationship goes to hell, my boss hates me and my grades slip because I don't have the motivation to go or try anymore. All my life no matter how hard I tried to do well it never worked. I had 5 jobs before the age of 18. I was never fired but I just never felt like I belonged. This job I love but my boss hates me and treats me like crap. It's hard to feel like you aren't good enough. I have never lost that feeling. I can't help to think that all the strength I have to overcome these obstacles, is it even worth the emotionally torment? I have survived so much, school just seems so small. I just went to another funeral. That makes number 37 that I've been to my whole life. I used to hang with a bad crowd because I was a stupid kid. They are all almost in the ground and I'm still here and I can't stop wondering why am I here. I am not making a difference and everything I try to do I end up failing. People overcome such terrible things and make a great life's for themselves. Why can't I?