Meet The Clique...
Massie Block: with her glossy brunette bob and laser-whitened smile, Massie is the uncontested ruler of The Clique and ret of the social scene at octavian country day school, an exclusive private girl´s school in Westchester country, new yprk, Massie knows you´d give anything to be just like her.
Dylan Mavil: Massie´s second in command who divides her time etween suckin up to Massie and sucking down Atkins Diet shakes.
Alicia Rivera: as sneaky as she is beautiful Alicia floats easily under adult radar because she seems so sweet, would love to take Massie´s throne one day. just might.
Kristen Gregory: She´s smart, hardworking, and will insult you to tears faster than you can say -My haircut isn´t ugly!
Enter Claire Lyons: the new girl from florida in keds and two year old gap ovralls, wh is clearly not clique material. unfornately for her, Claire´s family is staying in the guesthouse on Massie´s family´s huge estate while they look for a new home.