ok, heres the deal. Bexie Walter is a Water Werewolf. Jack Mlinen is a Shadow Dragon Rider. Tricks Strike is a Vampire Halfling. Riskel Animer is a Full Fleged Vampire, so is Trexnor Tucker and Vance Scott. Ami Deain is a Stone Warewolf. Elena Woods is a Forest Dragon Rider. Ivering Shades is a Light Dragon Rider. this is a band of misfits, rouges and runaways come together by the force of the hatred that stood up between them because of their species. so really dragons hate werewolfs, vampires hate dragons and the every other way. this group of teenagers are known as the Busters. mainly because they have their own territory and they do anything to survive. that was until the werewolfs claimed war and the dragons and the vampires followed suit.
7 parts