In the beginning, Sniblet was bored. Then Sniblet said, "I'm going to write a story." And an hour passed, and there was a story, and he saw that it was good. Or at least, he thought so. He went to bed that night feeling quite good about it. And then the next day, he adapted it for Wattpad, and he posted it on Wattpad, and saw that it was good there, too. He thinks he'll put it on DeviantArt next, but he's not so sure. Inspired in small part by: "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish" And in large part by: Some energetic music. Years later: The real first of a million yuris. I think. No, actually, I think this was after I wrote the first. Maybe. Whatever. I don't mind it. It's got a message and it's about gay anime(?) girls and stuff.